Comprehensive genomic profi ling aids a diagnosis of uncertain pathology
S.-T. Yang , C.-H. Liu and P.-H. Wang
Safe abortion
F.-W. Chou , W.-H. Chang and P.-H. Wang
Immunohistochemical staining for cytology-based cervical cancer screening
W.-H. Chang , F.-W. Chou and P.-H. Wang
Body mass index and gestational weight gain of the pregnant women in Taiwan
W.-L. Lee , S.-T. Yang and P.-H. Wang
Adequate postoperative pain reduction is one of the critical components for enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)
Y.-T. Li , S.-T. Yang and P.-H. Wang
Genetic counseling of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) trisomy 7-positive pregnancies
C.-P. Chen
Identifi cation of hub genes in placental dysfunction and recurrent pregnancy loss through transcriptome data mining: A meta-analysis
C. Bhardwaj and P. Srivastava
Levels of trace metals and their impact on oocyte: A review
P.-P. Zhang , G.-C. Ding , C.-Y. Tao , L. Zhang , Y.-X. Wang ,
Q.-Y. Yuan , S.-M. Zhang and L.-P. Wang
Intrauterine adhesion
P.-H. Wang , S.-T. Yang , W.-H. Chang , C.-H. Liu , H.-H. Liu
and W.-L. Lee
Cervical cancer: Part I human papilloma virus vaccination in Taiwan
S.-T. Yang , P.-H. Wang , H.-H. Liu , W.-H. Chang ,
F.-W. Chou and W.-L. Lee
Efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation technique in primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled trial
S. Toprak Celenay , G. Ozcelikel and A. Bayrakli
The timing for embryo transfer after antibiotic therapy for chronic endometritis
X.-X. Hu , L. Liu , L.-J. Zhao , H.-F. Jiang and S.-Y. Zhang
Ultrasonographic placental parameters at 11 – 13+6 weeks ’ gestation in the prediction of complications in pregnancy after assisted reproductive technology
P.N.P. Ip , L. Nguyen-Hoang , P. Chaemsaithong ,
J. Guo , X. Wang , D.S. Sahota , J.P.W. Chung and
L.C.Y. Poon
Endometriosis, pregnancy and delivery complications: Evidence from the US nationwide inpatient sample 2005 – 2018
K.-L. Chiu and I.-T. Wang
The role of probiotics as adjunct treatment in the prevention and management of gynecological infections: An updated meta-analysis of 35 RCT studies
M. Abavisani , S. Sahebi , F. Dadgar , F. Peikfalak and
M. Keikha
Precise lymph node biopsy for endometrial cancer confi ned to the uterus: Analysis of 43 clinical cases
X.-L. Shi , S. Chen , G.-D. Guo , Y.-L. Yang , K.-M. Tong ,
W. Cao , L.-L. Huang and Y.-R. Zhang
Application of short tandem repeats (STRs) in the preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of -thalassemia
V.V. Ha Vuong , P.-D. Nguyen , N.N. Thi , P. Le Thi ,
D.T. Minh Nguyet , M.H. Nguyen , H.A. Tran ,
N.-M. Dang-Tran , T.-H. Bui , T.H. Tran , T. Van Ta and
V.-K. Tran
Longitudinal hematological change in uncomplicated twin pregnancies: The white blood cell count decreases through pregnancy after the fi rst trimester
M. Sekiguchi , J. Muromoto , K. Ogawa , K. Ozawa ,
N. Miyasaka and H. Sago
Perinatal imaging fi ndings of a fetus with Pfeiffer syndrome and a heterozygous c.1019A>G, p.Tyr340Cys (Y340C) mutation in FGFR2 presenting a cloverleaf skull, craniosynostosis and short limbs on prenatal ultrasound mimicking thanatophoric dysplasia type II
C.-P. Chen , J.-P. Huang , K.-S. Huang , Y.-Y. Chen , F.-T. Wu ,
Y.-T. Pan , C.-L. Chiu and W. Wang
Low-level mosaic trisomy 21 at amniocentesis and cordocentesis in the second trimester in a pregnancy associated with positive non-invasive prenatal testing for trisomy 21, perinatal progressive decrease of the trisomy 21 cell line and a favorable fetal outcome
C.-P. Chen , F.-T. Wu , Y.-T. Pan , P.-S. Wu , M.-S. Lee ,
C.-L. Chiu and W. Wang
Low-level mosaic trisomy 21 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with cytogenetic discrepancy between cultured amniocytes and uncultured amniocytes, perinatal progressive decrease of the trisomy 21 cell line and a favorable fetal outcome
C.-P. Chen , F.-T. Wu , Y.-T. Pan , P.-S. Wu , C.-C. Lee ,
C.-L. Chiu and W. Wang
Mosaic distal 10q deletion or 46,XY,del(10) (q26.13)/46,XY at amniocentesis and cordocentesis in a pregnancy associated with cytogenetic discrepancy between cultured amniocytes and uncultured amniocytes, perinatal progressive decrease of the aneuploid cell line and a favorable fetal outcome
C.-P. Chen , L.-K. Wang , F.-T. Wu , Y.-T. Pan , P.-S. Wu ,
C.-C. Lee , W.-L. Chen , C.-L. Chiu and W. Wang
Natural conception and term pregnancy after hysteroscopic incision of complete septate uterus with septate cervix: A case report and literature review
C.-E. Hsieh , M.-C. Huang and S.-L. Weng
Use of biologics in Chinese pregnant patients with defi ciency of interleukin-36 receptor antagonist (DITRA): A case series
C.-Y. Hsieh , Y.-J. Tsai and T.-F. Tsai
Monochorionic-triamniotic triplet pregnancy following artifi cial reproductive technology: Report of a rare case in Taiwan
S.-Y. Lai , C.T.-C. Hsieh , I.-L. Liao , T.-H. Wu , Y.-T. Wu ,
H.-H. Wu and H.-D. Tsai
Uterine mesothelial cysts mimicking ovarian cysts in a primipara patient with a history of Cesarean section: A case report and review of the literature
Y.-T. Lin , J.-H. Tsai , M.-E. Ko , C. Hsu , J.-Y. Sheen ,
B.-C. Sheu and W.-C. Chang
Clinical course and genetic analysis of a case of the amniocentesis showing chromosome 6 trisomy mosaicism
N. Kitamura , Y. Ito , T. Kawai , H. Kamura , M. Yamamura ,
H. Okubo , A. Hasegawa , M. Inoue , K. Takahashi , M. Miya ,
H. Kawame , O. Samura and A. Okamoto
Prenatal diagnosis of familial 2p13.1-p12 microduplication in a pregnancy associated with asymptomatic carrier parent
C.-P. Chen
Prenatal diagnosis of familial 266-kb 2q13 microquadruplication encompassing MALL and NPHP1 in a pregnancy associated with asymptomatic carrier parent
C.-P. Chen
Prenatal diagnosis of familial 17q11.2 duplication encompassing NF1 in a pregnancy associated with asymptomatic carrier parent
C.-P. Chen
Incidental detection of a de novo 16p13.3 microdeletion encompassing PKD1 and a familial Yq11.223 microdeletion encompassing DAZ1 in a fetus with encephalocele on prenatal ultrasound and amniotic band syndrome
C.-P. Chen
Detection of digynic triploidy in a second-trimester fetus presenting syndactyly, relative macrocephaly, intrauterine growth restriction, cardiomegaly, pericardial effusion, Dandy-Walker malformation, double bubble sign and single umbilical artery on prenatal ultrasound and a false negative non
C.-P. Chen
Screening for vasa previa is a must in mid-pregnancy to save lives – incidence, methodology, and experiences from Taiwan
H. Ko , K. Olisova and T.-Y. Chang
Is it practical to add the p16/Ki67 immunohistochemical dual staining into liquid-based cytology for cervical cancer screening?
Y.-T. Li , N.-R. Lee and W.-H. Chang
“Not all De novo Robertsonian translocations are truly De novo” - A thought-provoking perspective
D.S. Shekhawat , C. Sharma , N. Tada , P. Singh and K. Singh
The recommendation of gestational weight gain in Taiwanese women
Y.-T. Li , N.-R. Lee and W.-H. Chang
Corrigendum to “A case of complete remission of intractable gestational choriocarcinoma with subsequent chemotherapy after pembrolizumab” [Taiwan J Obst Gynecol 62 (5) (2023) 745 – 748]
K. Niimi , E. Yamamoto , Y. Oda , Y. Nishiko , M. Shibata ,
K. Nishino and H. Kajiyama